Cactus Technology Solutions

5 Tips to Prevent Ransomware Attacks
Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts data on infected systems then demands a ransom payment to release the decryption key. Ransomware attacks are on the rise and can result in significant...

Cactus Christmas 2021
Dear Valued Clients & Partners, We are all in a winter wonderland of treats, holiday joy, and Christmas magic, but the best part of this season is reflecting on the year’s accomplishments and...

November’s Employee Feature: Daniel Ke
Meet Daniel Ke Our employees are one of the greatest things about Cactus Technology Solutions, and Daniel Ke is one of the best! Daniel has been with the Cactus team for over two years, and we're...

7 Ways to Have a Tech Enhanced Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and food. But what if you could use technology to make your holiday even better? Cactus understands that the holidays are a time of the year where you...

5 Ways to Clean Your Virtual Desktop
In honor of "Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day" this week, we would love to provide you with 4 easy steps to help you clean up your virtual desktop. When you're working, your virtual desktop can fill...